Tuesday 15 April 2008

of titles...

mas·sive – adjective
1.consisting of or forming a large mass; bulky and heavy: massive columns.
2.large and heavy-looking: a massive forehead.
3.large in scale, amount, or degree: a massive breakdown in communications; massive reductions in spending.
4.solid or substantial; great or imposing: massive erudition.

Skyscrapers are the current typology in our cities which aggregate the largest amount of people per surface area. Their size create huge programmatical possibilities and complications. Some could easily function as whole cities in terms of number of users. frank lloyd wright with his infamous mile-high skyscraper project, already in the mid-fifties stated in an interview that two of those in new york's central park would be enough to house its entire population, making useless all the existing buildings (which in his idea could all be demolished).

wright's controversial ideas aside, maybe today the question is: would it be possible to bring the urbanity of the cities to these agglomerations, these superorganisms and, as we could call them, massive urbanisms?

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